Hal Redjai

Hal Redjai has over 25 years of experience in document and information management. As MetaSource’s Vice President of Government Solutions, he excels in business development, workflow design, and building long-term relationships with state and local agencies. Hal has worked with some of the largest judicial agencies to create strategies that maximize their case management software benefits. He is dedicated to delivering innovative solutions that transform traditional document management systems into highly efficient, modern ones.


Hal Redjai
What Government Digital Transformation Success Looks Like
3 Things to Look for in a Government Digital Transformation Partner
What Is Government Digital Transformation & How Does It Work?
Digitizing Microfilm & Microfiche Brings Them Into the Modern Age

Document Scanning

Digitizing Microfilm & Microfiche Brings Them Into the Modern Age

For decades, microfilm and microfiche have been indispensable tools for researchers, journalists, hospitals and archivists. There was simply no better way to minimize the storage space required to preserve old articles and data in perpetuity while simultaneously keeping them on-hand for perusal at a moment’s notice. Dependable and long-lasting, to this day microfilm and microfiche…

Tax and Revenue Processing Solutions that Keep Their Promise of True Digital Transformation
How a Minnesota County Became a Model of Efficiency

Solutions by Industry

AX & Captiva Government Contractor Case Study

A government contractor recently approached one of our reseller partners because they wanted to overhaul their purchasing and AP invoicing system. The old document capture and management system was being phased out after its acquisition by another vendor, which was made even worse by the transition to Windows 10. To further complicate matters, the government…

Information Governance vs. Records Management

Document Management

Information Governance vs. Records Management

Along with Content Services and Business Process as a Service (BPaaS), information governance is a relatively new term that has gained traction recently, but why? Information governance is about the effective and efficient use of information in your organization, helping you to make better decisions and to achieve your goals. In this way, information governance has the potential to transform information into knowledge and to help your organization evolve.

Florida State’s Attorney Increases Productivity by 125,000 Hours