Blog Posts: Document Scanning

My Business Document Scanning Project Is Complete. Now What?
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Go Paperless
3 Steps to Optimize Your Company’s Office Move

Document Scanning

3 Steps to Optimize Your Company’s Office Move

Thinking about moving to a new office soon? While a new office is exciting, unexpected costs could lead to the move going over budget. According to commercial real estate firm AQUILA, a 5,000 square foot office can cost $5,000 to $7,000 dollars to move, but there are a number of variables including, how far you’re…

3 Common Myths Surrounding Document Scanning the Reality

Document Scanning

3 Common Myths Surrounding Document Scanning the Reality

While document scanning services and document management software have proven to be a powerful way for companies to better manage their documents, many organizations are still inundated with paper and haven’t embraced a digital transformation. Why? Negative perceptions around document scanning and fear may hold them back, but these feelings are more myth than reality….

Why Your Business Continuity Plan Needs Document Scanning

Document Scanning

Why Your Business Continuity Plan Needs Document Scanning

Every day it seems the evening news brings word of a fresh and unexpected disaster. A huge hurricane making landfall, raging wildfires, storms bringing major rivers up over their banks, or a surprise earthquake decimating an unsuspecting municipality. Have you thought about how an unforeseen catastrophe might affect your business? Even something as random as…

Packing File Boxes for Document Scanning In 4 Easy Steps

Document Scanning

Packing File Boxes for Document Scanning In 4 Easy Steps

After deciding to outsource your document scanning, what is the best way to get your documents to the scanning facility? Packing your documents into paper storage boxes seems simple enough, but doing it right can avoid additional handling charges upon arrival and help ensure quick and efficient document processing. The four steps below represent best…

How Variable Lookup Indexing Takes Document Scanning to the Next Level

Document Scanning

How Variable Lookup Indexing Takes Document Scanning to the Next Level

While scanning documents is an excellent first step to your company’s digital transformation, you need to organize files in order to quickly and easily find and retrieve them afterwards to make the project a success. Document indexing achieves this by capturing unique information from each document such as an invoice number, date, vendor name and…

World Environment Day: Why You Should Choose to Go Paperless
Is It Time for Your Business to Outsource Document Scanning?

Document Scanning

Is It Time for Your Business to Outsource Document Scanning?

So, your company wants (or needs) to scan documents, but you don’t know if you should use an outsourced service, use in-house employee resources or utilize a mix of both. How do you decide what is best for your business? Below are three simple questions that, once answered, will help you identify the right document…