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Intelligent Digital Mailroom Management: How AI Enhances Automation

When it comes to cutting costs and optimizing workflows, traditional mailrooms are beginning to stick out like sore thumbs in our digital world. Physical mailrooms are simply burdensome. They are space-consuming, inefficient, and require time and labor costs that are increasingly unnecessary.

That’s where digital mailrooms come in. With a digital mailroom, you send all your mail and emails to a secure partner who, using a mix of advanced technologies and business process management services, sorts them, converts them into the proper digital format, accurately captures data from them, and delivers the digital files to the appropriate recipients.

Digital mailroom solutions have been a solid option for reducing the hassles of physical mailrooms for some time, and the rise of AI-backed technology has turned them from a luxury to a necessity.

Through the use of AI and automation, digital mailrooms are now more efficient and cost-effective than ever. Let’s dive into how AI is improving digital mailrooms, why they are beneficial to your business, and how you can implement the latest AI-driven solutions to your mailroom operations.

Core Components of AI in Digital Mailrooms

With automation technology, digital mailrooms eliminate repetitive, rudimentary tasks like basic mail sorting. Add in AI, and you now have a tool that can complete more complex tasks that used to require human decision-making. AI implementation is the cherry on top when it comes to digital mailroom automation and management because it excels in a number of core functions. Let’s dive into a few:

Automated Sorting & Classification

A major component of any mailroom is sorting and classifying incoming mail. Manual mail sorting is prone to errors and often results in misplaced documents, making it an all-around time-consuming process. AI-powered digital mailrooms, on the other hand, use a combination of tools and algorithms to rapidly and accurately classify and sort important documents. Two key elements of which are machine learning and natural language processing (NLP):

  • Machine Learning Algorithms: Part of what makes AI increasingly efficient is the machine learning technology that backs it. By training machine learning algorithms through data sets, it gains the ability to learn patterns and improve over time. The more data it sees, the better it gets at making decisions.
  • Natural Language Processing: NLP is another core element that helps AI boost the digital mailroom game. What is so special about NLP? It gives AI the ability to truly understand nuances in human language. By having an in-depth understanding of human language, it’s able to identify intentions, keywords, phrases, and other language-based intricacies. It can then differentiate between and sort urgent notices, standard mail, and junk.

Through the utilization of these technologies, AI mailroom management can efficiently and accurately classify and sort any physical or digital mail it interacts with.

Data Extraction & Processing

While both machine learning and NLP are crucial in AI’s ability to understand patterns and language, AI solutions also have the ability to accurately and efficiently extract data from documents. In the past, digital mailroom solutions leveraged optical character recognition (OCR) software to perform this task. Today, artificial intelligence technology can automatically extract key fields from documents on its own, relying heavily on its ability to effectively interpret the information. The result is a more intuitive, streamlined process.

Workflow Automation

Because extraction, classification, and sorting are all done via AI technologies, workflows can be automated to seamlessly route incoming documents to the appropriate individuals or departments. Plus, additional functions (such as alerts and reminders) can be established to ensure pending actions and deadlines are never missed. With these upgrades, the flow of tasks and information can reach new levels of efficiency. In fact, a recent report states that 62% of businesses found that workflow automation could potentially solve major inefficiencies.

4 Benefits of AI-Driven Digital Mailroom Management

Digital mailrooms are an upgrade from old-school mailrooms in basically every way. They improve the process from top to bottom and do so in a way that is faster and more cost-effective.

While there is a seemingly endless list of digital mailroom benefits, there are a few that really stand out:

Space & Cost Efficiency

One of the most immediately evident benefits of switching to a digital mailroom is eliminating the need for additional physical space. Even the most organized traditional mailrooms require substantial storage space. What’s more, increased physical space inevitably equals more labor costs. With digital mailrooms, these space and operational costs become a non-issue.

Beyond the obvious benefits of not having to maintain an additional physical space, employees who were splitting time on mailroom-related duties will now have much more bandwidth to put towards productive work, further lowering labor expenses. According to McKinsey AI thought leader, Alexander Sukharevsky, "70% of employees’ tasks today could be automated." By offloading those tasks (like mailroom management), employees can open up a significant portion of their day for the 30% of responsibilities that require a human touch.

Enhanced Accuracy & Speed

The human element of manual data entry means there’s always a likelihood of error. AI, on the other hand, doesn’t get tired, doesn’t get bored, and doesn’t have off days, meaning it can effortlessly complete tasks quickly and accurately. In fact, 42% of business owners expect AI to streamline processes.

Scalability & Flexibility

It’s not hard to imagine why digital mailrooms make scaling a near non-issue. Traditional mailrooms are dependent not only on the number of humans working in them but also on physical space. Take away the need for both, and scaling becomes an easy endeavor as an organization’s needs change.

Actionable Insights & Decision-Making

When it comes to making big-time business decisions, you never want to feel like stones have been left unturned. In a recent report, 70% of business leaders admitted to delaying decision-making due to an overwhelming volume of information. With AI, all relevant information is captured and organized in a way that puts it all at your fingertips. With all of the important data analyzed and neatly ready for use, there’s no need to worry about missed data, resulting in quick and confident decision-making.

Implementing AI in Your Mailroom Operations

Businesses of any size can benefit from implementing AI-powered digital mailroom solutions, but there are, of course, some important factors to consider while transitioning:

  • Business Needs: Think about what your organization’s needs are and how well they are currently being met. Consider how much your mailroom costs in physical space, labor, and time efficiency. Take how often your staff is left searching for lost documents – and how long it takes them to find them – into account. Then, consider how this impacts your business as a whole. Use this information to create a list of business needs that your new AI-powered mailroom system will need to meet.
  • Impact on Staff: Once you make the decision to upgrade to AI-driven mailroom management, you’ll want to consider how your new system will impact your employees. The thought of AI might create some resistance at first. It’s important to effectively communicate the end goal: enhance processes and give employees back the time they need to fulfill more valuable tasks. Explain how utilizing an AI-driven digital mailroom will lead to easier file access, less wasted time, and, ultimately, a more productive workday. In fact, according to a 2023 study, 45% of decision-makers believe AI will improve productivity so much that it will create new career paths for current employees.
  • Digital Mailroom Provider Experience: You’ll also need to find a partner who can deliver digital mailroom services that you can trust to do the job and do it well. Don’t be afraid to ask for references and be sure to inquire about the industries potential partners have experience serving. Your ideal partner will have expertise in securely processing and managing incoming mail for organizations within your industry.

Unlocking New Efficiencies with AI

AI has exploded in popularity in recent years, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to slow down. It’s already proving to be a powerful ally for upgrading a host of different tools within businesses, and the reality is it’s only going to get better from here. By setting up an AI-powered digital mailroom now, you’ll not only get immediate benefits, but you’ll also be future-proofing your business as technology evolves.

Playing catchup is never the plan, and AI solutions are your ticket to the front of the race. MetaSource’s digital mailroom solutions provide the most modern and up-to-date way to handle your organization’s incoming documents. With powerful AI-driven intelligent document processing (IDP), mail handling within your business gets the ultimate upgrade.

Is it time to develop a digital mailroom?

Check out our digital mailroom checklist to find out!
