Blog / Document Scanning

Experience the Freedom of a Paperless Office

Justin Kline

Your business will run more efficiently, more profitably, and more securely with document scanning services, workflow automation, and document management software.

Top 4 Benefits of Going Paperless

  1. Save Time, Money & Space: locate and process documents faster, reduce operating and labor costs, eliminate file cabinets and storage boxes throughout your organization
  2. Improve Efficiency & Control: access documents on demand, share data with existing business software, and automate processes to maximize staff efficiency
  3. Mitigate Risk & Exposure: store your documents securely and enforce document access controls, ensuring only approved individuals can access your critical documents
  4. Work from Home: remote workers can securely access, share, and process documents from any location

Adapting to a Remote Workforce

Your business needs to be prepared for future company-wide work from home periods. Some employees may even want to continue working from home when not mandated, at least part-time.

Cloud document management software enables remote workers to have access to business critical documents they need as they work from home. You can also take advantage of workflow automation functionality within document management software, which can automatically distribute scanned files and electronic documents to employees for immediate review and action no matter where they’re working.

How to Start Your Company’s Digital Transformation

Don’t know where to start? Not to worry — we make it simple with our comprehensive Painless Paper Free Plan:

  1. We meet with you to listen to your challenges and desired outcome, review your current process, and develop a solution
  2. Together we review our custom paper free plan, cost, and timeline; once you approve the plan, we get started right away
  3. Our team packs and transports your files to our ultra-secure scanning facilities
  4. We prep, scan and index your documents, monitoring for quality control throughout the entire process
  5. You receive scanned images of all your documents that can easily be uploaded into your system or stored in the cloud

Contact us to learn more

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