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Government Whitepaper: Document Scanning, Workflow & Doing More with Less

Hal Redjai

State and local agencies are obligated to preserve and make available all publicly recorded documents. Additionally, the benefits of scanning legacy documents are numerous and well known. So, if scanning is required and such a no-brainer, why is there still so much paper in municipal and county government? Why haven’t all these documents been scanned?

And, if these documents were scanned, what if they could be instantly found, have automated retention scheduling and be accessible by the public? What if future inbound documents could be scanned into a workflow that streamlined their processing so that increasing volumes can be handled by less people?

And what if the answer to these questions also paid for itself?

Perceived vs. Actual Costs

It comes down to cost. Government budgets continue to be squeezed because of underfunded pension liabilities and a continued slow recovery from The Great Recession. As a result, it’s hard to get scanning projects into budgets.

But what if scanning paid for itself by reducing or eliminating the costs of filing cabinets, offsite storage, paper, toner, and reclaiming office space?

Even when legacy backfiles of documents are scanned, government users can have a hard time searching for what they need, making them publicly available and adhering to state and federal retention requirements.

Whitepaper Download

This whitepaper identifies three solutions that pay for themselves and help government agencies eliminate their paper liability:

  • Document Scanning & the Case for Outsourcing
  • Workflow Automation & Doing More with Less
  • Document Management, Automated Retention Scheduling & Public Access

While there are up-front expenses, the breakeven point is often achieved in the first 6-9 months, which can help make the business case. The savings beyond this timeframe can then help fund future government initiatives.

Download our Government Document Scanning & Workflow Automation Best Practices whitepaper today
