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How to Ensure Secure Document Submission Beyond SFTP

Frank Reavis

Whether you need to share a contract or application to a partner, upload mortgage documents to your quality control compliance advisor or send any other confidential information electronically, SFTP is not enough to guarantee secure access. Below are the limitations and how to overcome them.

Limitations of SFTP

  • Whoever has the SFTP address, login and password can access documents where they reside
  • No way to ensure document-level access beyond creating a password for each document
  • No way to apply document watermarking, rights expiration or guest access
  • No version control or way to ensure only the current version of a document is accessible to users
  • No audit trails
  • FTP/SFTP can be difficult to use as most do not have FTP client software or know how to use it

Document Security from MetaSource

Below are ways that we help ensure secure secure document sharing:

  • eSubmit: ensures encrypted transmission for mortgage compliance quality control submissions
  • Cloud Document Management Certifications: PCI-DSS and SOC 2 Type 2 (helps ensure I-9 and HIPAA compliance)
  • Information Security: leverage robust information controls such as watermarking, rights expiration, and guest access
  • Access Control: specify with document field-level precision which users or groups of users are able to access information
  • User-Driven Controls: empower end users with dynamic information controls to revoke or alter access permissions to sensitive information
  • Version Control: ensure only the current version of a document is accessible to users

Using SFTP is much better than using email with document passwords but is much less secure in this era of hacking and cyberattacks. Let us know your document security concerns so that we can help you find the right solution.

Contact us to learn more about how you can ensure document security

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