Onsite Scanning
Expedite your e-file, go-live initiatives with real-time scanning right at your location.
Courts across the nation are digitizing records and transitioning to modern, data-driven, file-less ecosystems to:
With over 30 years of experience, MetaSource can assist you in your journey towards file-less case management.
By harnessing advanced technologies and innovative solutions, we pave the way for unprecedented process efficiency, enhanced collaboration, and seamless accessibility while working within branch-wide policies and standards.
Expedite your e-file, go-live initiatives with real-time scanning right at your location.
Increase court process efficiency with high-volume, backfile document scanning services.
Protect archival data against equipment obsolescence and media degradation through microfilm and microfiche scanning.
Service public accessibility through a zero-footprint, secure case file repository with a low cost of entry and unlimited users.
As a leader in court record digitization, MetaSource sets new benchmarks for efficiency, accessibility, and transparency. We continue to earn accolades for an exceptional track record in delivering successful file-less initiatives – from local courts to large, statewide jurisdictions.
Having MetaSource on the front end for scanning, QC’ing, then providing a finished product to the court where the court only needs to ingest the documents to the CMS is the best practice.
Superior Court of California